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Post ab Hinterhof

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installation, performance, photography

Johannes Rass


    Johannes Rass

    The complex repertory of works and projects, done by Johannes Rass, can’t be limited at first sight to an artistic position, a preferred material or a specific topic.

    In fact, each work is based on a self-contained fundamental idea and a concrete interrogation which is of extraordinary importance. The interrogation creates the framework, is starting point, driving force and motor for the implementation, but at the same time also an objective to be achieved.

    Johannes Rass explores and questions structures in sociopolitical and socio-economic processes and systems.

    The game with contexts and the step-out of those is a recurrent focus in his projects. The partly humorous unmasking of consisting paradigms is an intended calculus.

    His projects are situated between installation, performance, photography and various other media. He sees the artistic methodology and technology as a means to an end: Space, time and the right moment often play a major role in his projects. At times it is about fleeting snapshots that will continue to last in complex constructed photographs.

    Usually Johannes Rass works in a team when implementing his projects.

    He is a member of Künstlerhaus Wien.